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了解更多全球十大赌博靠谱平台我们如何与土著群体合作的信息: aieryuwei.net/indigenous


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  • 作为著作权所有者, 土著群体与土地有着独特的关系, so we recognize that our business activities have the potential to affect them in tangible ways.
  • We engage with potentially affected 土著 groups throughout the lifecycle of our assets to understand and respond to their concerns, 识别机会并促进参与我们的项目.
  • 这对我们来说并不新鲜——我们与土著群体接触已有40多年了. 我们从20世纪70年代就开始和土著群体合作了, 我们对土著居民参与的承诺于1982年正式确立, 当NOVA公司. — which later merged with TC Energy in 1998 — adopted a Native Employment and Business Opportunities Policy, 重点项目关注土著教育, 就业和商业机会.
  • 今天,我们与整个非洲大陆的200多个土著群体建立了积极的关系.
  • 我们在整个非洲大陆有一个由70多名员工组成的专门的土著关系团队.
  • 我们的员工与受我们业务活动影响的土著群体密切合作, striving to earn the respect and trust required to establish and grow positive mutually beneficial relationships for generations to come.

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Our principled approach to engagement practices ensures meaningful and respectful engagement with 土著 groups

  • Our policies and practices for engagement with 土著 groups are informed by our corporate values of safety, 责任, 协作和诚信, 遵守所有适用的法律法规, and respect the spirit and intent of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of 土著 人s (UNDRIP), 其指导原则和其他国际法和国内法.
  • 我们的加拿大土著关系政策于2000年首次制定, 以1982年通过的本地就业和商业机会政策为基础. 从那时起, 一个策略, guiding principles and additional updates to our policy have been established to further inform and improve our approach to 土著 engagement across North America.


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  • 我们与当地的土著群体合作来确定, 收集和整合有关当地生态的土著知识, 土地和资源利用纳入项目规划和运营活动.
  • Our growing 土著 monitoring programs facilitate 土著 community members observing pipeline construction activities first-hand and reporting their findings back to their communities. 这些项目为社区成员提供了监测活动的行业经验. Their active participation is a demonstration of our confidence in our high standards during construction as well as an example of our accountability and transparency on projects.
  • We depend on the expertise of 土著 businesses to advance our projects: we offer business opportunities, 为合格和有竞争力的本土承包商和供应商提供就业和工作机会.
  • In 2020, $725+ million was spent supporting 土著 and Native American business through subcontracts, 通过就业购买材料和服务以及土著个人.

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We help build strong communities by supporting community-led initiatives that enable the long-term social and economic success of the region

  • The 土著 Relations team works with 土著 groups to identify their needs and priorities for community legacy initiatives that protect, 教育, 支持和维持社区.
  • 2020年,我们投资了8美元.8+ million in more than 600 土著 partners and students across North America through the TC Energy Scholarship and community legacy programs.
  • 我们致力于帮助建设社区能力, by supporting skills development of the local 土著 workforce through workplace training and education initiatives in the communities where we do business.

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我们一直在努力加深自己对历史的理解, cultures and traditions of 土著 groups as it is essential for successful engagement with 土著 groups

  • We’ve been providing 土著 awareness training sessions to employees and contractors across the continent since 2001 and continue to work on opportunities to improve our approach to our 土著 awareness training.
  • 每年, 我们在加拿大庆祝原住民意识周,在美国庆祝原住民传统月.S, encouraging employees to continually enhance their understanding and appreciation of the history, 遗产, 多元文化和北美原始居民的贡献.
